Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!

Hi All,
It's my birthday! I'm 24. Wee haw.
Today was such a blissfully quiet day. Jane was a little upset when she woke up and Jake was already at work but she was quickly consoled when I told her that Daddy would be home after her nap. After that, we ate breakfast, made art and played together. It was pretty fun.
Jane kept telling me that it was HER happy birthday.
Today, I'm really lucky that Jake chose an unconventional white cake with rasberry filling instead of my usual choice of chocolate. That cake was DANG good. In fact, I'm going to have another piece right now...


Machelle said...

Happy Happy Birthday!!! How old are you now?! hehe

Machelle said...

Happy Happy Birthday!!! How old are you now?! hehe

The Miller Family said...

Happy Birthday Starleigh! Yum...some cake sounds SO good right now...!

barbaraence said...

Happy Birthday!

Laura said...

Happy Birthday!