Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Blogger Loser...

Hi All,
I'm a blogger loser.
I keep making mental notes in my brain of things I want to blog about and I keep not making time to blog about them. Here is a basic recap of the last couple of weeks.

1. I'm addicted to baking soda and vinegar as a household cleaner. I scrubbed both of the rings around Jane's tub (the ring from where I fill the water and the ring from where Jake fills the water) off in THREE minutes. It may not have even taking that long.

2. I'm dying to get my hands on a kitchen aid stand mixer. I would almost consider donating a spare kidney for one of the professional grade machines (I'm sure I use the kidney less than I would use the mixer... right?!).

3. The cost of "Positive Discipline: Birth to Three Years" should be written into the cost of every woman's hospital stay. We should also be tested on it periodically to make sure that the book is being read. If every parent would read this book I think we would see a DRASTIC change in our society 20 years from now. I love this book so much I want to invite the authors to Tallahassee so I can kiss their feet.

4. I've been keeping track of all the fun words that Jane pronounces incorrectly. Here is a list:
-"Eleflu" or Elephant
-"copcorn" or popcorn
-"manga" or gramma
-"monka" is monkey
-"tire" is tiger
-"night" is snow white
-"a roar" is aurora
-"la" is cinderella
-"daiyu" is Jasmin
and a bunch more.

5. I am so far into my pregnancy that I am going MORE than once a month. I can't believe it has all gone by so quickly. I'm at the point now where I can push my stomach and actually feel body parts. That is such a fun stage because when the baby sleeps close to the skin (as opposed to the spine) I can push little legs and arms around while he sleeps. I used to do this with Jane all the time. It wakes the baby up pretty much every time you do it.

6. Jane turned TWO!! I can't believe it! We had such a fun birthday party. She asked for a Princess party so that is what she got. One of her friends came over and they fingerpainted together. Then she ate cake and opened presents with the family. Almost everything she got had Disney Princesses on it.

7. AND FINALLY, I've been thinking about getting my kids a standard investment gift every year but I don't know which would be better: stocks, bonds, mutual funds or a deposit into a high yield savings account.

What do you guys think???

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I'm starting the food diary again.
'Nuf said...

Friday, July 4, 2008

Yay for weekends!

1. Two logs have been discontinued... I can't possibly keep a realistic track of my time and I refuse to keep track of my diet. I'll just work out more.

2. Jake is home for a LONG three day weekend. Yay! Tonight, instead of fireworks and throngs of people, we put Jane to bed at her normal bedtime and we are making bread, balancing our checkbook (this log is so nice, being accountable for the money on paper makes me spend less in general... who would have thought?!) and picking out different recipes to try on his weekends at home. I love my husband.

I was sitting in a restaurant last night, watching Jane and Jake walk away to the bathroom (she had a DIIIIRRRRTTTTYYY diaper) and I couldn't help but just smile. I have the best little family. Jane sat by Jake at dinner and kept reaching over and hugging and kissing him. I kept cathing the woman behind us staring at Jane and smiling. She is such a sweet little girl. I knew Jake was the right man for me when I married him and I have never second guessed my decision but going through the weeks by myself and having him home on the weekend just reaffirms my feelings and lets me KNOW that I NEVER want to be a single mother. It not as hard to do everything with a child on your own as it is lonely. I want to badly to put Jane into bed every night and feel relieved that she is down but most of the time I want to just get her back up so I have someone to sit with me and talk to me (she can actually TALK now and tell me what she likes and is amazing!)

Anyways, I'm not going to be a downer.

I love my family so much!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Electric Knives...

I got an electric knife!
I use it to cut the two loaves of freshbaked, whole wheat bread I have made in the last week. I also used it to cut Jane's frenchbread pizza last night. It was great! I'm pretty much addicted to it.

Usually when I try something new, I try other new things at the same time. Here is a brief recap of the new routines I am trying to establish:

1. A food Diary. Normally I am AGAINST these with a passion that is unrivaled but... I keep gaining weight with this pregnancy and I can't figure out where I am eating enough to gain eight pounds in one month and 6 pounds in the next. I'm thinking it might have something to do with the miniature chocolates I buy on the weekend when Jake is home...

2. An activity log. Again, this is something that I am normally very much opposed to but if I'm going to monitor my physical weight I should probably monitor all the junk time activities I have been filling my days with lately. So far I have half a page worth of entries and nothing really substantial to report... I've done the dishes, run to the bank, checked the mail, paid the rent...

3. and finally, a spending log! This is nothing more than a sheet of lined paper that tracks every single penny that I spend but this is big!! I hate keeping the balance of my bank on paper but with all the new money coming in and all of my lofty saving goals, I've got to figure out where I can "trim the fat."

It's interesting though, all of my new activities revolve around losing some kind of weight or another. I blame my friend, you know who you are, for filling my mind with 3 years worth of a minimalists perspective. Maybe I'll finally get it right this time...
Until then, I'm drinking a lot of water, hanging out with Jane and working while she naps. We're bored!! Call us for playdates!!!