Thursday, March 5, 2009

Off the wagon

I've completely fallen off the blog band wagon! I haven't even thought about my blog in a couple of weeks. I haven't looked at anyone's blog in a couple of weeks. Let me see if I can give a relatively decent recap of the last few weeks.

-Jake has one week of FTO left and then he'll be in the car on his own. Hooray! That means he can do off duty work and we can really start to make some moola.

- We're Dave Ramseying it up. We've called and cancelled our credit cards. We're on a budget and we'll be debt free before we know it.

- Jane refuses to use the potty. When we ask her to she says "I won't". There is no "I can't" about the situation, only "I won't".

- Sawyer seems to be suffering from early onset separation anxiety. Jane and I tried to walk out the front door this morning to walk around the porch and each time we took one step away from him he started whining. If we stepped toward him, he stopped. Can you believe that stinker?

- The clocks our apartment got mixed up one day and I didn't know what time it was. I thought it was 6:30 at night so I started putting Jane to bed and it was really 5:30! It was a long night. I felt so badly because I didn't realize my mistake until AFTER she cried for an hour and put herself to sleep!!

- Florida winters are a dream.

- We're making new friends.

- I'm learning how to keep the house clean. (Hallelujah!)

More to come later. I'll try to stay on the wagon this time. Let me know what you have all been up to!