Monday, November 2, 2009

Oh, Memories...

So many of our friends are having their first babies (or have just recently had their first baby) and it brings me back to that time in my life. There is nothing like a first baby. It is such an exciting time of life. Everything is uncertain and frenzied. Your body is changing, your relationships are changing. YOU are changing. It is amazing how much one little baby can change a person so much!

Man, oh, man. Sometimes I wish I could go back to that experience and just revel in it. If I could travel back in time and tell myself something I would say:

1) Relax! You're doing great. Everyone is clothed and fed and mildly well rested.

2) Don't rush everything. Baby J will crawl (or roll over or walk) when she's ready. Enjoy her chubby little body while it she sits still on your lap.

3) It's okay if your baby cries a little. It's hard; I know, but trust me, it really does hurt you more than her.

4) Don't complain about tempter tantrums or projectile reflux. Some day (too soon) you'll be clean and rested. Your child will use the potty and feed herself. It goes by too fast so just revel in it now.

I have loved every single moment of being a mother. I can't believe how blessed I am. I can't believe how lucky I am to have a wonderful husband and two cute babies! It is all going by so fast. I wish I could slow it all down and drink it in. I wish I could record the feelings that I have every time my kids give me hugs and kisses. Everytime Sawyer starts laughing big belly laughs for no reason at all. Every time Jane tells me I'm her "favorite girl". It's not going to last. It will all be over way too soon.

New mom's please don't take this time in your life for granted. Your life will never be the same and (most likely) you'll love every minute of it (in retrospect, but only sometimes).