Thursday, October 29, 2009


Is anyone out there?

I know I'm not consistent about blogging but is anyone out there? I'll be better. I'll blog once a week. I need adoring comments and updates from my friends! If no one responds to this... I'll keep blogging but I won't enjoy it as much.



The Miller Family said...

I'm here! And I totally read whenever you post! I check blogs through Google Reader, so most of the time I don't actually go to people's blogs, but read them through's great for busy mom's who want to check up real quick, but I'm horrible about clicking over to leave comments. SORRY! Keep on blogging!!!!

Katie said...

I'm here!

David and Kaitlyn said...

I'm here too! And no one ever posts on my blog either! I just consider it journaling, lol. And actually I tried commenting on your last post with David's iPod Touch and it wouldn't work, but I was too lazy to get up and get the computer....

Kim said...

I'm here! I've been bad about commenting lately, but I always read your posts too. Loved the birthday pics! And congrats on pursuing your passion of photography!

Machelle said...

You are a dork but I love you anyways!!

barbaraence said...

of course!

Sarah said...

I am the same way. Hence the fact I have not blogged in forever. And one time I blogged about the first 10 weeks of James' life and the browser closed and I lost it! Haven't redone it yet.

But I always check and I always read yours. I makes me feel better about you being so far away!

Jen said...

I'm here. I subscribe through your blog through bloglines and love reading updates about your family. Keep on blogging :)

Jennie Z said...

I here too! I love to see pics of your cute kids and here what you guys are up to.