Monday, November 19, 2007

Betty is the lady...

Betty Crocker is the lady.
When I was a little girl I used to go to my grandparents' house every spring break and eat loaves upon loaves of crunchy home-made bread.
(okay, so I didn't really like the crunchy bread back then but my how the times have changed.)
As I grew older and ultimately more mature ( I am quite charming and mature these days...) I developed a desire to have the basic skill of bread making passed down to me.

The time finally came last week.
My grandparents visited me in the great state of Florida (their first visit ever!!) and graciously took the time to show me how to bake bread.
Apparently I was cooking blind in the kitchen because my Grandmother bought me a "Betty Crocker" cook book and my world has changed.

Seriously, If you don't own a copy, go out and buy one RIGHT now. (Wal-Mart is open 24-hours; there are no excuses for not having one by this time tomorrow...)


barbaraence said...

I got a Betty Crocker book when I got married and boy was it a lifesaver! I love it :)

the Rew Crew said...

I have a Better Homes and Gardens, which is essentially the same, and love it as well.

BTW, I'm so proud of you for entering the world of bread-making!! I made awesome rolls for Thanksgiving yesterday. Once you get the hang of it, and figure out how to not kill the yeast, it really is so easy.

the Rew Crew said...

Too much heat, (in the water you mix the yeast with, or in the air), will 'kill' the yeast so the dough won't rise. On the other hand, too cold of temperatures will slow the growth of the yeast, so again, the dough will be really slow to rise.

The result is when you bake the bread it turns out rock hard.

I've been there, done that, many times.