Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Garden Bounty

We planted a garden and over the last few weeks have been harvesting the fruit of our labor. It's pretty nice, if I say so myself.

AND, we have enough time to plant another garden before the growing season is over. I think we planted too soon in the season because most of our plants got eaten to bits by bugs. We had to pull our pumpkin vines out by the roots.

Let's hope for an even BIGGER bounty next time!

Alachua Splash Pad!

We went to the splash pad in Alachua a few weeks ago with some friends. It was awesome. I love that place.

I love it so much that I seriously considered buying a house in the middle of nowhere just to be closer to it.

It's awesome. It's gated. It keeps my kids busy for hours and I don't have to chase them.

Kindergarten Round Up

Jane had her official "Kindergarten Round Up" at the end of last month. While I filled out all the papers to register her for school she got to go with a group of the teachers to do some art, see the classrooms and eat a snack. She was so excited! She had so much fun!

I can't believe my little dumpling has grown up so much!!

Speaking of growing up, Jane is starting to become very self-aware and even embarrassed when I say certain things. I told her a couple of weeks ago that she "can't lose teeth (because some of her classmates have loose teeth!!) or grow boobs." Jane was so embarrassed!

To her credit, I would be embarrassed if my mother had said something like that to me. I have to start watching myself though! She's not a little baby anymore. She's a big baby with thoughts, feelings and opinions of her own!

I seriously don't know how I feel about this.

I guess it is a good thing we have a new baby on the way for me to smooch and love on while I start to slowly loosen the leash I have on her. It's now or never, folks. If I don't show her that I respect her feelings and opinions now she won't know it when she is a teenager. More than anything, I want her to feel like she can tell me anything as she grows up.

So, I promise, I won't tell her ever again to "not lose teeth and grow boobs." I can not, however, promise that I won't cry (or at least become annoyingly nostalgic) every time we reach a new milestone that requires more freedom for her and less Jane time for me.

So Many updates...

So little time...

I'm attempting to catch up tonight with my updates so I can stay up to date in the future...

Pester me about it. It MIGHT help.